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About Stichting Reprorecht [Reprographic Reproduction Rights Foundation]
The Copyright Act [Auteurswet] allows organisations to make photocopies of copyright protected works, provided that a fee is paid to the rights holders. In 1985 the Reprographic Rights Regulation [Reprorechtregeling] was introduced, which determined the fees for government institutions, libraries and schools. In 2003 this Regulation was amended to also include Dutch businesses. 

In 1974 authors and publishers founded Stichting Reprorecht. In 1985 the Minister of Justice appointed Stichting Reprorecht as the organisation responsible for collecting reprographic reproduction fees. As such, it acts as a single office for both the public sector and educational institutions, businesses and other organisations. Stichting Reprorecht distributes these fees proportionately to writers and publishers in accordance with regulations approved by the Dutch government.

Due to technological developments Stichting Reprorecht has expanded its services. Increasingly reproright schemes also provide scanning to a computer, save on intranet, print and sending content from books, newspapers, magazines and other publications by e-mail.

Stichting Reprorecht is affiliated to the International Federation of Reproduction Rights Organisations (IFRRO).

Stichting Reprorecht makes payments arrangements with umbrella organisations and institutions as much as possible. 

The distribution of the reprographic reproduction fees is entirely based on Stichting Reprorecht’s Disbursement Regulations, which have been approved by the Minister of Justice. Every year, the funds that are available for distribution are placed at the disposal of the publishers. They receive a publishers-share, and a separate creators-share that they distribute among the creators of the works which have generated turnover. Both shares are determined by Stichting Reprorecht’s external chartered accountant, and are in proportion to the publishers’ demonstrated sales. For a number of categories of works, organisations have been appointed to distribute the funds intended for their members. 

The College van Toezicht Auteursrecht [Copyright Supervisory Authority] (CvTA) accounts for the operations of Stichting Reprorecht to the Minister of Justice.

Today's rights management the Dutch way
Stichting Reprorecht distribution matrix 2020
Reprorecht Covenant Business License 2013 et seq